Acer palmatum Emperor 1 (a.k.a. Red Emperor)
Acer palmatum Emperor 1 (a.k.a. Red Emperor)
Emperor 1, also known as Red Emperor, is an outstanding cultivar with vigorous growth. It is a red upright growing Japanese maple comparable with “Bloodgood”, the reliable standard which all newer red upright palmatums are compared with. Emperor 1 exceeds even Bloodgood in leaf retention and growth rate.
Emperor 1 comes into leaf a few weeks later then Bloodgood, which makes it less vulnerable to late frosts and cold drying winds in spring. The foliage color is dark red that produces a shiny look as the sun hits its leaves. Throughout the summer it will retain its color until fall, where it changes to a beautiful dark crimson red.
It is a hardy, mid-sized Japanese maple with a wide crown. Emperor 1 can grow up to 3-4m and a width of 3m. A sunny position will not be a problem for this one.
Due to its versatility, it can be a great tree in a container. Or it can be used as a focal point for large landscapes.